
Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer Lovin' Weekend Soiree & Blog Hop {14}

   Happy Friday, Lovelies! I hope you all are doing well this week and have a fantabulous weekend planned {even if that means just lounging around the house with the fam}! Cherish each moment you are given and make it count! One of my favorite quotes is "Better make it count 'cause you can't get it back!..." It is from the Carrie Underwood song "So Small." There is so much truth in that statement! I could actually talk about that all day, but I will save that for another post. :)
   Since summer is winding down, I have got to think of a new {possibly fall/Autumn} title for our weekend soiree! Any and all suggestions are welcome! :)
   Thanks so much to all who linked up last week! Here are just a few that caught my eye!

I love this Cute Crafty Wreath from The Moon & Me! I am so going to make this soon! :)

Check out this tutorial for these pretty Prickly Posies from Freckles and Fun! Absolutely adorable!

Want to learn how to make and EASY and super cute ruffled headband?! Jill at My Heart is Yours shows you how to do just that! :)

Want to make another super-cute and EASY headband?! Check out this cute rosette headband tutorial from Katy at redBuddy notes! I want to make lots of headbands for fall!

And lastly, but certainly not least, is a post that I think most all of us need (or at least I do)! Judy from DIY by Design shared a great tutorial on The art of folding towels and linens (including those awful fitted sheets!) 

Thank you all so much for sharing your awesomeness last week! I hope you found a little inspiration and made some new friends while you were here! If I featured you this week, feel free to grab a "featured" button!

**Become a Follower of Homemaker in Heels. Let me know, so I can follow you back! :)
**Link up your favorite craft, DIY project, recipe, tip, post... you get the idea. Please link to the actual post URL, **NOT YOUR MAIN URL
**Do NOT link up items in your Etsy Shop, unless you have a tutorial.
**PLEASE mingle a little while and leave a comment on at least the 2 projects posted before yours.
**Grab a Button or link back to Homemaker in Heels somewhere on your blog.


  1. I can't believe we're so close to fall! My favorite time of year. My idea for your blog hop is "Falling into Fall" weekend hop. Or something equally cheesy! LOL

    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  2. Well, I'm not good at naming things, so I can't help you there. ;)

    I did however may a "knock off" of your wreath! Can't wait to show you.

    Have a great week!

  3. Thanks for hosting!!! Have a lovely weekend!!!

  4. I have been missing you Miss Crystal! Thanks for hosting!
    I am terrible with names too but maybe something like a "Fall Crafting Throw Down" or something. See I am terrible!

  5. Thanks for hosting.

    I'm having a giveaway of beautiful handcrafted Danish porcelain house numbers. So if you have time pop over and enter.

  6. I'm seconding Jenni's suggestion - the crafting throw down idea just makes me giggle. Love your party - thank you for hostessing! xo, Diane

  7. Thanks for hosting - I'm your newest follower :)

  8. I really tried to think of a good fall name but I didn't manage to come up with anything clever :( Thanks so much for hosting Crystal! Hope you're having an *awesome* weekend!

  9. This is my first party with you, and I'm very pleased with your sweet blog! I couldn't find the code for your button, but I did add a link back. Thanks for hosting!
    Your newest follower,
    Rikka J.
    Ricochet and Away!

  10. I'm happy to have found your blog! Meet your newest follower :)
    You can find me at


  11. Thanks for hosting... I can't wait to check out a bunch of these projects. I follow you via GFC. :)

  12. Thank you so much for the feature. I really appreciate it. I am all linked up for this week. Thanks for hosting a great party each week. I've grabbed a featured button.
