
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shabby Apple Jewelry Giveaway WINNER!!!

It is time to announce the winner for this fabulous Shabby Apple Key to My Heart Necklace!!!  
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And the winner is... {not sure what's up with the spacing on Blogger lately?}              
True Random Number Generator  4
Powered by RANDOM.ORG 

Number 4 Phil and Darby from Life With the Hawleys said:

                                                                                     Phil and Darby Hawley said...

                                                                 I am like Shabby Apple on FB
            November 4, 2011 11:32 AM                                             

Congrats Darby!!! Send me your shipping info and I will forward it on to Shabby Apple so they can get your fabulous necklace shipped to you shortly! 

Thanks so much to everyone who entered! You weren't left out completely! 
You can use the code homemakerheels10off to receive an extra 10% off any Shabby Apple purchase. This code is good thru December 2.