
Friday, November 4, 2011

Weekend Craft Soiree & Blog Hop {26}

  Hey everyone! I hope y'all have had a fantastic week and have an even better weekend planned! Have you entered the fabulous Shabby Apple jewelry giveaway I have going on right now?! Go here to check it out!  There is also a discount code that can be used for the next 30 days for 10% off any Shabby Apple purchase! This will come in handy with Christmas shopping! (I know it will for me! :))

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 Entries are still low so be sure to stop by and enter

   I can't believe it is already November! I usually start decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, but this year, I am ready to get started early! It takes SO long to decorate here! Maybe if I get started next week I will have everything up by Thanksgiving and I can enjoy it for an entire month! :)  When do you start decking the halls at your home? Jeff is superstitious about any decorations being up before Thanksgiving and after New Years, but maybe we won't have any bad luck over decorating early, haha. (He is only superstitious about that and sports.) :)
   Okay, back to what you all stop by for every week. It's time for the Weekend Craft Soiree & BLOG HOP! Don't forget, this is also a blog hop, so if someone follows you, pretty please return the favor. If I am guilty of forgetting to follow you back, please, please let me know. It has just been crazy around here the past couple of months and I tend to be a little scatter-brained sometimes. :) 

    Here are some of most fabulous links that were shared last weekend!

Megan at Brassy Apple shared several gorgeous DIY Thumbtack projects that she made. I would have never dreamed thumbtacks could look so pretty!

Darby at Life With the Hawleys shared a yummy Hawley family tradition with us!  Caramel covered popcorn! It sounds so delicious! 

Stephanie at Lady with the Red Rocker shared her brilliant idea of using toilet paper rolls and creating a beautiful vent cover! I love any craft that turns free items into a work of art! 

Thank you all for sharing your fabulous projects!
I hope you found some new friends while you were here!
If you were featured this week, feel free to grab a "featured" button.

Party Rules:
  • Become a follower of Homemaker in Heels. Let me know, so I can follow you back! 
  • Link up your favorite craft, DIY project, recipe, tip, post... you get the idea. Please link to the actual post URL, **NOT YOUR MAIN URL**
  • Do NOT link up items in your Etsy Shop, unless you have a tutorial
  • PLEASE mingle a little while and leave a comment on at least the 2 projects posted before yours. This is a blog hop, so follow a couple others and if someone follows you, be sure to return the favor and follow that person back.
  • Grab a button or link back to Homemaker in Heels somewhere on your blog.


  1. hello Crystal, nice to meet you. I'm stopping by from the Crazed weekend hop & now joined yours as well, I love all things crafty. I can't find the follow button on here, I'll try back later.

  2. Thanks for hosting the party! I'm a new follower from I would love a follow back. I found your link while visiting DIY Crafts & Other Projects.

  3. New follower from Weekend Blog Hop. I hope that you can follow me too at

    You have a really cute site!! Love the heels:)

  4. Thank you for hosting! I love linking up here!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my vent cover! So glad you liked it! :)

  6. Thanks for the shout out! I've snagged a button!

  7. Thank you Crystal for featuring my popcorn! I hope you get to make a small batch for yourself; it would be a great treat :-)

  8. Lovely party! I am new to your blog and am a new follower. Love your blog name too cute!!

    love for you to link up to my party as well.

  9. What a great party. I am a new follower of yours. Looking forward to reading more!
