
Friday, January 13, 2012

Handmade Valentine Gift Exchange!

  Hey everyone! I am so excited to announce that I have decided to hold the first ever Handmade Valentine Swap here at Homemaker in Heels! If you have never participated in a handmade gift exchange, you are in for a treat! After I receive your information, I will pair you up with a partner. You will then make this person a thoughtful gift and your partner will do the same for you. This is open to ANYONE! 

If you are going to participate, it is MANDATORY that you read this entire post!

  • If you commit to participate in this exchange, you will need to make a thoughtful Handmade gift for a fellow crafter and have it postmarked no later than Wednesday February 8, 2011, in return, you will receive a Handmade gift from a fellow crafter through the mail. 
  • It is not mandatory that you follow my blog to participate, but it would really make me smile if you decided to. :)
  • Email me ( at and be sure to include the following information. ALL EMAILS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 20, 2012 at 11:59 pm. 

    **You must have a have a UNITED STATES mailing address to participate!

    your name
    your mailing address
    your blog address (this is only if you have a blog, although it is not mandatory to participate)

  • After you get the email with your partner’s info, please send your partner a quick email to introduce yourself. Include things like: your favorite color, what type of decorating you like, your current obsessions, your blog address, or your life story. either way is just fine :)
  • Make a gift for your assigned partner. 
  • TAKE PICTURES of the gift you make! There will be a linky party and posts featuring YOUR gifts! You can link up both the gift you MADE and the one you RECEIVED! 
  • If at any time you are unable to follow through with the exchange, PLEASE email me ASAP!! I understand things happen and that some things are out of our control. i just ask that you email me immediately to let me know so that I can arrange for your partner to receive a gift. 

  Remember, this is open to everyone so blog about it, tweet, share it on Facebook, tell your friends, tell your neighbors! 

  If you are on Twitter, please use the hashtag #valentinegiftswap @homemakernheels if you tweet about the Valentine Exchange, that way others can join the swap and I will totally retweet! 

  • there is no price minimum on the handmade gift. 
  • you do not need a blog to participate!
  • there is no official theme for the swap. If you want to use a Valentine theme, go ahead! 
  • there is no skill level required.
  • MUST be a gift that can be physically mailed (can not be digital)

ALL EMAILS MUST BE RECEIVED BY Friday JANUARY 20, 2012 at 11:59 pm. I will begin sending emails with your partners information on Monday January 23.  


  1. this is so fun Crystal! What a fabulous idea; I'm going to send you my info right now :-)

  2. Oh, this is soooo cool! I'm totally in! I'll be e-mailing you very shortly!!!

  3. Oh what a great idea! I'm not sure I'll be able to participate this time, but I think it's fantastic. So glad I found your blog today--I'm really enjoying it!

  4. WooHoo! I LOVE handmade exchanges! They are so much fun :) I've met some of my favorite bloggy peeps through swaps :)

  5. Love it :) email sent. so excited for this what a cool idea
