
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rest & Gluten-free ~Will Hopefully Mean a Better Me! :)

Hey everyone! This will be my first time to do a blog post from my iPhone, so hopefully this will post will show up ok. ;) My computer is acting up at the moment and I just wanted to let you all know that I am not totally MIA! I have been trying to rest a little more, which is so much easier said than done! I have several projects I want to share, I just have to find a moment when my crazy computer will cooperate at the same time that I have the energy!
I have recently discovered (well there isn't a very accurate test so right now I am actually about 95% sure) that I am allergic to gluten. This is also known as Celiac Disease. Most of you know that we went gluten-free a little while back due to Jeff's Lyme disease. I did great for a little while, but would often cheat and eat some things that contained gluten, mainly due to convenience. In this little Alabama town there isn't one restaurant or grocery store that caters to those who cannot eat gluten. We did receive a weekly delivery of organic veggies, but cold temps killed the crops and the deliveries won't begin again until April.
My entire teenage and adult life I have suffered from fatigue due to anemia. For years, I relied on caffeine and energy drinks to make it through each day. It was only after beginning the GF lifestyle that I came to realize how much better I could actually feel! My energy level soared! It was amazing! Amazing, that is, until I ate gluten-containing food. I now realize why I was so exhausted during the holiday season!
On Thanksgiving I ate pies, dressing, you name it! I thought of it as sort of a "cheat" day since we had been doing so well! As I think back, that is when my energy level dropped bottom and I just started feeling bad all the time. I has so many good intentions and projects I wanted to work on, I just felt like I could never get ahead. I stayed exhausted. I tried getting back on track , but never ate 100% GF. Then I happened to see a special on Dr Oz about Celiac Disease. I remembered that my friend Robin at All Things Heart and Home had recently been diagnosed and then it was like everything just fell into place. It all began to make sense. This is very commonly hereditary. My mother has had stomach problems and very bad anemia her entire life. It has caused Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and she has even had blood transfusions because of it. Now she has to go get iron infusions by iv because her body won't produce or absorb nutrients. That is a textbook description of Celiac disease! I have finally convinced her to go GF and I am doing the same. Only this time, I am doing it right. I just have to know that soon my energy will return and the sickness will go away. My mother has to go have tests run on her colon and intestines, so I pray this disease hasn't done any serious damage to her. I am hoping and praying that this new lifestyle and way of eating will be the answer. I am ready to feel normal again!
If you have left me comments or emailed me and I haven't responded, I do apologize! I promise it isn't at all personal and I will do better! Hopefully I will be back on track soon, right now I am just trying to focus on getting better and researching this new diet, etc. I will go into more detail about this when I post from my computer. There is so much info I want to share with you all! Hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. Good luck with your new diet. I have a friend who learned she had a gluten allergy and when she changed her diet she felt ssssooooo much better!

  2. I have been hearing a lot about GF Diets lately. Apparently everyone is starting to be more aware about this. I think my sister might have something of this sort. She's always had issues with dairy and now she's starting to have health problems with other things. I'm trying to research and help her out and suggesting a GF diet to her, but so far no luck. I pray that you can get back to feeling like yourself soon. I know how crummy you can feel when your body is out of whack. (Diabetes!!!) Love you Crystal, get rested up and feel better soon! God bless.

  3. I'm glad to hear that you're starting to feel better! I've got to say this, even though I'm sure you know already, but I have to say it because I'm a neuroscientist, make sure that you visit a doctor to have this confirmed and not just a self-diagnosis.

  4. Good for you going gf! I'm all for gluten free lifestyles! We thought for awhile there that my daughter and I had some sort of gluten allergy, but recently discovered after a ton of blood tests that we are both IgA deficient and have low vitamin D, which together can mimic symptoms of celiac. Thankful for a negative celiac diagnosis, even happier we feel better. Hoping you and your mom continue to feel better!

  5. It's so tough to transition into a gluten-free diet when your own town grocery stores aren't cooperating. At least his disease is getting more coverage and I think it's helping change our grocery stores, so I think it can only get better. Good luck and I hope the dietary changes make a huge impact to how you feel - for the better, of course.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. HI Crystal -- thank you so much for sharing your story with us -- I've been thinking about trying the GF lifestyle for awhile but can't seem to get 100% on board. I totally appreciate you sharing so much!

  8. Hi Crystal-
    Thanks for becoming a follower, and sharing your story with us. It break my heart that your mom has suffered so long. She will be in my prayers!

  9. Good luck! I hope you get back on track and feel better soon!
