
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It's April Fool's Y'all! Oreo Trick

Hi everyone! Happy APRIL!!! I can't believe we are already entering the 4th month of 2015. Geezzz! Just wanted to take a minute and show y'all a fun little April Fool's trick I love to play on people!

   I'm all the time eating Oreos (Don't judge ;) ), so this is an easy one to play on friends!
Just use a butter knife (or whatever works) and scrape the Oreo cream off the Oreos and replace it with a thin later of white toothpaste.

Put your Oreos back together and place it in the freezer for toothpaste to harden. You will LOVE the expression on your friends faces when they try this. Just be careful that no one actually swallows, of course.

What are your favorite April Fool's Day pranks? Are you usually the Prankster or the one getting tricks played on you?

Have a fantastic day!!! :))