
Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekend Craft Soiree {44}

   Happy Friday, Everyone! Hope you all had a great week and have an even better weekend planned! :)

 Here are the features from last week's party!

The sweet girls over at The Letter 4 shared this fun tutorial for How to Make Your Own Photoprops! Are these cute or what?!! By the way, did y'all know that they were recently on The Martha Stewart Show?!! How cool is that! :)

I absolutely adore this Simple but Sweet Craft Room from Katie at Pincushion Creations! The colors are SO pretty and I just love all the personal touches she added. :)

Sandi at Makey it Homey did a wonderful job with this dresser/buffet makeover! I think it turned out absolutely stunning!

Thank you all SO much for stopping by and sharing!
If you were featured this week, feel free to grab a "featured" button! :)

Mandatory Party Rules:
  • Become a follower of Homemaker in Heels
  • Link up your favorite craft, DIY project, recipe, tip, post... you get the idea. Please link to the actual post URL, **NOT YOUR MAIN URL**
  • Do NOT link up items in your Etsy Shop, unless you have a tutorial
  • PLEASE mingle a little while and leave a comment on at least the 2 projects posted before yours. This is a blog hop, so follow a couple others and if someone follows you, be sure to return the favor and follow that person back.
  • Grab a button or link back to Homemaker in Heels somewhere on your blog. I love to feature your projects, but if I see that you don't have my button or link, I will not feature you. 



  1. Thanks for Crystal!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. You are very welcome, Bonnie! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, too! :)

  2. Thanks so much for hosting. I have shared a few things. Have a great day.

    1. You're so welcome, Rose! Thanks so much for sharing! Have a great week! :)

  3. Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend, Crystal!

    1. Yw, Lindsay! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing! Hope you're having a wonderful week :)

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. You're welcome, Heather! Hope you're having a great week! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. Thanks for hosting the party! I am a new follower :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

    1. You're welcome, Jenny! Thanks so much! I'm now following you, as well! Your blog looks fantastic! Can't wait to read more! :) hope you're having a great week! :)

  6. Thank you for hosting another super great party. Hope you are having a marvelous weekend:)

    1. Hey Evelyn! You're welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had a marvelous weekend, as well, and that you are having a great week! :)

  7. Thanks for hosting the party and thanks so much for my craft room feature!! :)

    1. Hey Katie! You're welcome, girl! Thanks so much for sharing it! You did an amazing job! :) thanks for stopping by! Hope you're having a wonderful week! :)

  8. I'm hoping to say hi as your newest follower! Can't wait to participate in your party next week. I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :


  9. Crystal, thank you so much for featuring my buffet, I am honored. Thank you so much for providing us with such a great party! Sandi

    1. Hey Sandi! I was honored to feature such a fabulous project! Thanks so much for sharing! Sorry for the typo on your blog name! I will fix that as soon as I'm back at my computer! :) hope you're having a wonderful week!!! :)

  10. Thanks for hosting girl! Hope you had a nice weekend!

    1. You're welcome, Kassi! Thanks girl! I have been meaning to tell u that your blog makeover is fantastic! Ill email u later, but i just signed up for Passionfruit and was wondering if u have any spots left to swap ads! :) have a great night, girl! :)

  11. those photo props are awesome! so cute. found your blog via the blog hop xo
