
Monday, June 11, 2012

DIY Tissue Paper Sconces {Guest Post by Jaderbomb}

  Happy Monday, everyone! Today Jaderbomb is here sharing a super-cool project that I think y'all are going to love...

Hey everyone! I am Jaderbomb! You can find me at . I am so excited to be here today!!! I hope you enjoy this super FUN craft. It is very ADDICTING so just get ready!
            HOW GORGEOUS IS THIS!!!
I know this picture is HUGE but how can you minimize something as pretty as this!!! "winking"
Do you ever run across things in your house that you just "can't" get rid of. You don't really want it, but you just don't know what to do with it! Well that is what happened to me the other day! I have these wonderful rod iron sconces (that I used to LOVE) but I just don't "LOVE" them as much as I used to. They were stuck in another room in our house that holds all the great things we just can't get rid of!
Would that be considered HOARDING? {{insert big laugh}}
I love love love working with tissue paper! One reason is it's super affordable! You can do SO much with it and you can practically get it in every shade of color ever made!

Yep. This is all you will need! I got my tissue paper squares at Michael's Art's and Craft's but you could get them at any craft store. I wanna say they were almost 3 bucks!"

Get your Mod Podge and your brush out! Go to town applying the tissue paper all over the glass! If you did NOT purchase pre cut squares you can cut them yourself, or just tear pieces and keep the rugged edge on them. I bought my Mod Podge and Martha Stewart brushes at Michael's also!


Pay attention to colors. You can achieve a wider variety of colors if you over lap colors. I have attached a color wheel at the bottom of this post so you can "know" what colors to overlap!

It's coming along!!! I put the final product at the top of this post. I hope you really have fun with this and you can do this over ANYTHING you want. It's super pretty when in sunlight!


I have come to realize I love color. The brighter the better. Here are some curtains in my house that I made and I will attach a link below!


Here is the link to my curtains! Check out my craft booth here, I used my curtains in my booth!!!

I hope you all have a GREAT day!!!!!
Thanks Women's Day Magazine for liking this on Pinterest!

Ok, so is that awesome or what?! Such a fun & easy project that turned out absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much, Jade, for sharing this fabulous project with us! I hope you all will go check out the JADERBOMB blog! She posts fun, crafty projects all the time. Did I also mention she was recently on the Martha Stewart Show? Umm, yes. Cool, right? So y'all be sure to thank her for sharing and show her some HiH love! ;) I'm looking forward to an exciting week here at HiH, so be sure to stop back by! Hope you all have a wonderful day!