
Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year's Resolution Time! Let's ditch the sugar AND those extra inches!

   Today is January 3, 2011, the first Monday of the new year. All of the New Year's celebrations are over and it is time to get back to reality! I have taken a lot of time the past few days to reflect on what I need to do or change in my life to become a better me in 2011. I have many resolutions this year and I am so excited about sharing these with you over the next few days! 
   One change that I kick started today is to become a healthier me! Not only do I want to lose about 15 or 20 lbs, (10 or 15 which I gained during the holidays!) I also want to get in shape physically and do this the healthy way. After researching many diets, I have decided that starting today, I am cutting all sugar out of my diet. I will gradually add good sugar from fruits and veggies back into my diet. I have did this in the past and seen amazing results! Be sure to "Follow" me! I will be posting many of my sugar-free meal ideas, along with easy recipes that will make going sugar-free much easier! Let's just remember that the first few days of this will be the hardest! We CAN do this! :)

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