
Thursday, April 14, 2011

We reached 200 followers! Its GIVEAWAY time! :)

Hello Lovelies! I am thrilled to say that we have reached 200 Followers! Yay! Since ya'll are SO awesome, as promised, I will be posting our first ever GIVEAWAY here at Homemaker in Heels! Be sure to check back in the morning for ALL the details, because I know you will absolutely LOVE our amazing sponsor, Jessica from Ellura Sage! She has some gorgeous items in her Etsy shop and she has so generously agreed to let the winner choose the prize! Talk to you soon! :)


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog, and add me to the list of followers because I love your blog!!! It's so nice to "meet" you!!!

  2. Congrats on your 200 followers. You can add one more to your list! I'm now following you from the weekend blog hop. I hope you'll get a chance to stop by and follow back. Thanks ! :)

  3. I am following you from the blog hop , you have a great site. Would you like to follow me back?
    thank you :)
