
Thursday, May 19, 2011

From Vintage Tin to Dog Food Storage with Chalkboard Label

   For the past few months, I have been looking at this old potato chip tin, trying to decide on a use for it. 

   This week, I decided to use it as cute storage for my dog food. I simply applied a couple of coats of Krylon Cherry Red spray paint. While waiting on this paint to dry, I searched my desk drawer for the perfect sized label. I actually decided to use one of these Priority mail labels.
   I applied a couple of coats of Chalkboard paint to the label, placed it accordingly on the container and added this little applique, because it looks like my little Schnauzers! :) 

   Now, I have a brand new container for storing my dog food! If I ever want to use it for something else, all I have to do is erase my little chalkboard, and write whatever I am using it for on the label. Pretty cool, huh?   You know what's even better? My total cost for this project was $0! Everything I used I already had! I absolutely LOVE projects like that! I'm thinking that may update it with a Chevron print soon. I will let you know if I do!  :) 


  1. Love this idea- it came out super charming! I host a decorating party on Fridays if you would like to come share this sometime! :)

  2. I simply love this idea. I have been looking for a storage for my schnauzer's food for several weeks. It's just simply tooooo SAD that I got rid of the same type container several years ago--what was I thinking! Love the label, too. B

  3. This is such (!!!) a good idea. My SIL just bought a metal trash can-style dog food container for $25 at Marshall's! I wish I would've seen this sooner, we could've had a tin-ful of chips AND a better deal!

  4. i remember as a child my grandmother had this same chip can...too bad i don't know what happened to it! i also have a schnauzer that is my sweet little pup...she is 8...i'm a new follower!

  5. first, what a great idea!! love it. Second, I have racked my brain on remembering the name on that can, you see oooo geeze 20 plus years ago a older man use to come into our office and sell us "treats" and vinegar chips came in this can...OOO my word the girls in the office loved these chips and you could find us each have a can under our desk for well you know those moments in our long work day..LOL...if we saved the can the next time he came he would give us a 1.00 off...thanks for sharing I would of never remembered the name on that can just what came out of it...hehehe

  6. That is a good conversion and very earth friendly too. I would like to try converting a gram into a dog food container. dog boarding cleveland

  7. Very outstanding idea.I just adore this idea.It really looks awesome and obviously easy.Thanks a lot for this sharing.Really happy to know it.I think one also like pet waste eliminator idea to eliminate their pet's waste easily.
