
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Toilet Paper Roll Flower Starburst Mirror ~ Only $1!

  I have been wanting a starburst mirror for a while now! The are one of the hottest trends right now, and of course I had to jump on the bandwagon. I would go out and buy one, but they are SO expensive! Why buy it when you can make it, right? Only thing is, I don't like to create things just like everybody else. I decided use another new trend to create my very own version of the starburst mirror!
Materials Used:
Small Mirror ($1 at the dollar store)
Toilet paper rolls (about 5) and Paper Towel Rolls (2)
Hot Glue Gun
White Spray Paint (already had)
A little patience
Total cost: $1!

   First, I flattened my toilet paper roll lengthwise. I then cut  approximately 1/2 inch strips (across).
I used my hot glue gun to glue pieces of the toilet paper roll together, see picture below. The process of creating this "frame" around the mirror is pretty self-explanatory.

Please excuse the condition of this table. It is my little "work bench" I use for hot gluing, painting, etc.

   I used my mirror as a guide, but be sure you don't glue the cardboard to the mirror just yet. That will be your very last step. Continue to glue your cardboard pieces until your starburst frame reaches the size you desire.

 After I finished my pattern, I simply applied a couple of coats of white spray paint. Once the paint was dry, I "stretched" the frame to fit around the mirror and used my hot glue gun to to attach it.

To hang my new mirror, I used the tab from a coke can. I just glued it to the back of the mirror!

I hope you like my thrifty new mirror! I am very pleased with the results! And it only cost me $1, ya'll, $1! I want to make one in every color now, lol! :) Hope you are all having a happy week!

I will be linking here:







  1. Crysta you are so creative! This looks fantastic!

  2. I love it! I am inspired to make something with toilet paper rolls now!

  3. It looks wonderful, goes perfectly in your kitchen, thanks for sharing!

  4. Looks awesome! Very, very good!

  5. That is wonderful! I have been saving tp rolls for a while, I love what you can make with them. Now I have to add one more thing...

  6. Crysta,
    That is one of the cleverest things I have seen in a while!!
    You are one thrifty home maker!!
    LOVE it!
    I am thinking about where I need one of these...or if I have a friend with a Birthday coming up!
    Blessings and joy to you as you make your home!

  7. I can't believe how amazing that looks for so cheap! What a great idea. I'm definitely going to have to make one of these....if not more!

  8. Pretty! I love toilet paper rolls. I hate to admit that! Would you share this at my simply creative linky party? I'd love for you to join!

  9. OK this cracks me up!!! Talk about using stuff around the house!!
    Who would have thought of this!!
    Great job!!!

  10. What a clever idea , who would have thought something so often disposed of , could look so lovely . Great job !!

  11. Impressive! I'm a new follower.

  12. Great combo of some of the hottest trends... sunburst & toilet paper art... great job!

  13. Very creative!!! You can't even tell its made from toilet paper rolls!
    Thanks for linking this up!

  14. Way to combine two recently popular crafting techniques girlie!!! The star burst mirror and toilet roll art! Looks so nice there above your counter! Thanks for linking!!!

  15. OH! MY! GOODNESS!! Who would have guessed tp rolls could look this good! Ha! I have wanted this kind of mirror since I saw it in Miranda's apartment on Sex and The City!! Haha! But I too have looked around and they are so expensive! This looks too easy and fun!! I think I am really going to give this a try! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  16. Very cute! I love the coke tab on the back - that, and that it was $1!!! :)

  17. Get out of town! That is so freaking cute! Looking at the end product, I never would have thought it was made out of toilet paper rolls!

  18. Your blog is so adorable!!!! I am definitely going to be following you!! If you would like to check out my blog also I would LOVE that!! And follow me too!! I am excited to share new ideas on recipes and about mineral make-up!! And giving away free giveaways on make-up! So look out for it...

  19. It looks amazing!! I need to start collecting those TP rolls. You did a great job!

    Thank you so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party (and for linking back-I appreciate that!). Hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon. :)

  20. Hey girl,
    I have a toilet paper tree I am saving rolls for at the moment. Every time I see a success story with them, I know it will help when my husband asks "What? You're going to put toilet paper rolls on the wall?" LOL
    Thank you so much for linking up with my Favorite Things Party!!!

  21. So cute! Love, this idea!

  22. ACK!!! I LOVE IT!! You did so great!! :)

  23. no way! this looks absolutely stunning!

    *sitting gobsmacked* I need to hang on to all those loo rolls... awesome idea.

  24. I LOVE this Crysta! Great job!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  25. You did a really good job on this. Doesn't look at all like cardboard.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  26. Great job!! I love this trend...and I love where you placed it in your home, too!

    I featured it on my blog today...thanks for linking up! :)

  27. What an awesome repurposing project. Who knew that toilet paper rolls could be so lovely?!

  28. This is fabulous! I would love to feature this on Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button. Thanks!

  29. OMG this is fabulous! I LOVE it. I am doing this today. Thanks!


  30. What a very clever idea. Will start saving rolls straight away. Ingenious and inexpensive, Superb. Many thanks from bonnie Scotland. xx

  31. What a great idea! Cant believe its made out of toilet paper rolls!! It doesnt look like it at all! So fab! :)


  32. you can also make one out of barbecue sticks and it looks very cute and it cost less than 10 dollars.
    also you can make the rolls in to a circle instead of a leaf shape.

  33. Very creative! Perfect for my cozy home ;)

    - OSI
