
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I'm Lovin' Wednesday- My New Blog Design!

   Happy Wednesday, my friends! I hope the first half of your week has been wonderful and that the remainder of your week is even better! For some reason, I woke up at 3am this morning! I am SO not a morning person, usually, but for some reason I was wide awake. When I realized there was no hope of getting back to sleep, I decided to go ahead and get up. I made coffee, did a little cleaning, and got a shower. It would have been the perfect morning for a nice run, with the cooler temps here, but as soon as the idea came to me, I had to dismiss it because of this darned old broken foot. I'm not complaining by any means. It feels much better than it did, but, unfortunately, it still isn't ready for a 2 or 3 mile run.
   In case you didn't notice, Homemaker in Heels got a lovely makeover yesterday! I am so excited about it! I owe a huge "thank you" to my blog designer! Most of y'all probably know the very sweet and talented Lindsay over at Artsy Fartsy Mama. If you don't know her, I highly recommend you hop on over and check out her blog {and follow along while you are there:)} She has so many FABULOUS projects and I know you will love her! Well, not only is Lindsay one "Artsy Fartsy Mama," she also does amazing graphic design work at her other website Happy Potamus Designs. Happy Potamus Designs specializes in blog design, unique birth announcements, wedding invitations and more. Lindsay does amazing work at super-affordable rates! 
   I was very random (imagine that) when I ordered my blog design and she got it perfect the very first time. I just LOVE the way she has the little homemaker hanging the banner. I love the all of the colors, everything! I think she nailed it! Here are my new buttons. 


   If you click the "buttons" tab at the top of the page, most of you will be pleased to see that each one has a grab code now. I haven't finished the About Me or Advertise tabs just yet, so those won't work if you click on them.        
  Today is Jeff's birthday, so I think I will get offline for a little while and go cook him a birthday breakfast. I am thinking blueberry pancakes {with amazing homemade blueberry syrup} I will share the recipe later if y'all would like! Have a wonderful day! 


  1. she did a great job!!! Love the new design!!
    Hope your foot feels better.

  2. Love it. The header is my favorite part.

  3. I love it!!! It is simple and colorful. Perfect new look for your blog!

  4. It's so pretty! What a fun design.

  5. AHHHHHHHHHHH This looks phenominal!!!! Yay I just love it Crystal....My favorite part is that fabulous pink heel hanging on your signature! This is definitely awesome!

  6. Looks awesome! I love the little banner! Super cute new design!

  7. Love the new site! The header is just perfect!!!

  8. Lindsay is definitely talented! I noticed your new blog yesterday and thought it looked amazing! Congrats and happy birthday to Jeff! :-)

  9. Looks GREAT Crystal!!! Love your header!!!

  10. I am so glad you love it!! :) Your design was so much fun to work on.
    Happy birthday to Jeff, too!
