
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weekend Craft Soiree {51}

Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a wonderful week! My has been pretty great, I suppose... Busy, but not too eventful. First of all, I want to apologize for the fact that the giveaway didn't happen this week. Unfortunately, the giveaway sponsor decided to back out at the last minute. Don't y'all worry, though! I have more giveaways I'm lining up now! I was going to wait til my new shop opened, but I may do a giveaway a goody bag with some of my creations on Monday if y'all would like! HiH will hit 400,000 page views soon (yikes!) and we will have an entire week of celebrating! If you would like to sponsor a giveaway that week, just let me know! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Here are the features from last weekend...

This Hollowed Book Tutorial ~ E-reader Case from SaltTree is such a clever idea! This would make a fabulous gift for anyone who has a Nook, etc!

These Southwestern Rollups from Saving Money Living Life sound absolutely delicious (& healthy, too)! I cant wait to make them!

These Herringbone Stamped Dollar Store Rugs from c.w. frosting are just pure awesomeness! You won't believe how easy the tutorial is!

This No-Bake Peanut Butter Cheesecake recipe from Amber at Quilted Euphoria sounds super-easy and delicious! I mean, come on.. peanut butter cheesecake? How could you not love it? :)

This Strawberry Sorbet from Homegrown Beanes would be perfect on a hot summer day! It's another super-easy recipe, as well!

Thanks SO much for stopping by and sharing! :)
If you were featured this week, feel free to grab a "featured" button to post on your blog! :)

Mandatory Party Rules:
  • Become a follower of Homemaker in Heels
  • Link up your favorite craft, DIY project, recipe, tip, post... you get the idea. Please link to the actual post URL, **NOT YOUR MAIN URL**
  • Do NOT link up items in your Etsy Shop, unless you have a tutorial
  • PLEASE mingle a little while and leave a comment on at least 2 other projects.
  • Grab a button or link back to Homemaker in Heels somewhere on your blog. I love to feature your projects, but if I see that you don't have my button or link, I will not feature you. 



  1. That is a bummer with a back-out sponsor! Looking forward to your new shop opening! Happy Saturday girl!

  2. Sorry to hear about the sponsor, it will all be wonderful still, I'm sure. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Thanks for the feature! What a nice surprise! Thanks for hosting and have a blessed weekend!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting Crystal, have a wonderful weekend & I am sorry to hear about the issue with the sponsor. Sending a smile your way...

    Hugs, Tanya :)

  5. Thanks for hosting....I'd like to invite you and your viewers to link up @ CountryMommaCooks this week end : )

  6. Thanks for hosting! Sorry to hear about your sponsor, but I can't wait to see what you've got planned!

  7. Looking forward to todays party, I have nominated you for a blog award

  8. Sorry Crystal, I just realized I linked up to last weeks party, I will rejoin again later today. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm your newest follower! I hope you like my "little projects"!
    Many Blessings,
