
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weekend Craft Soiree {55}

  Hey there and happy Saturday, y'all! Hope you've all had an absolutely splendid week! :) Mine has been eventful to say the least... On a positive note, I completely removed carpet in 2 rooms and have been in the process of prepping {aka scrubbing} the floors for more floor covering... and used muscles I didn't realize existed in doing so, lol. I have a couple of more rooms to go and then I'll share all about it.
  I want to take a moment to thank you all for being so understanding of my lack of consistency, etc. these past several months. My life has been like a roller coaster ride to say the least. Also, if you would like to share a guest post here at HiH, let me know! That would be awesome! :) Oh, and one more thing... I was contacted by some FABULOUS companies this week about doing giveaways, so get ready! I have no doubt y'all will love what they wanna give ya! :)
  I'll try to have the features from last weekend posted in just a little while, but for now, link up your awesomeness! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)


  1. Just now remembered you in prayer! :D

    ~Stephanie @

  2. Thanks for hosting and definitely saying a prayer for you for whatever circumstances you find yourself in. God is there, He loves us, He's listening! Have a great weekend dahlin! (also contacted you about a blog thing on FB!)

  3. I'm praying for you Crystal! I would suggest you read Psalm 62:5-8. Lean on Him!

  4. Keeping you in my prayers sweet lady. Thanks for hosting :)

  5. Thanks for hosting Crystal! You're continually in my prayers!

  6. Thanks for hosting!
    Have an amazing day and remember you are my friend and my friends are always in my prayers:)


  7. Just gave your party a shout out!


  8. Noticed you haven't been around in a bit. Hope everything's okay and I've been praying for ya.

  9. I think your blog is very inspiring, i enjoyed reading it. Lets follow each other! I am dreaming of having more followers. I wold really appreciate it xxx
