
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Campfire Toast~ A Super Easy & Delicious Snack!

This is a VERY easy snack that I have loved for as long as I can remember! It was one of my favorite snacks as a child and still is today!

What you need:
Slice of Bread
peanut butter
mini marshmallows

   All you do is spread some peanut butter onto a piece of bread. Add marshmallows on top until the PB is completely covered, and stick it in the oven on broil for a couple of minutes, just until the marshmallows begin to look toasty! Sometime I will turn my oven to bake to toast the bottom a little before I toast the top, but it really doesn't matter. It is SOO good either way! I love to have mine with a big glass of milk. :) Hope you enjoy this amazing snack!


  1. I'll have to let my daughter try this, but with sunbutter! :)

  2. kids will love this!

  3. Ohmigoodness! That sounds amazing!!

  4. Your recipe looks so good. I would love it if you came over to my party "Cast Party Wednesday" tomorrow and shared some of your recipes with us.
    I hope to see you there!
