
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Guest Post~ Kassi from Truly Lovely

Good Morning! I am thrilled that we have the super-sweet Kassi visiting with us again today! :)  I hope you will show her lots of love today! I will be doing a post over at her lovely blog Truly Lovely, so stop by if you want! Here's Kassi... :)

Hello lovely Homemaker in Heels readers!!!

I am SO excited to be blog swapping AGAIN with the sweet Miss Crystal! 
I love reading her SUPER CUTE blog!!!
You may have seen me floating around here before... So it's a pleasure to be able to share with you all for the second time!

In case you missed my first guest post here, I'm Kassi.
I blog over at Truly Lovely...
A blog about all things I consider to be truly lovely. :)

Truly Lovely

If you're really missing Miss Crystal... and I'm sure you are...
You can click that button to go see HER guest post over on my blog today! 

But before you go... I'd like to share my recent discovery with you.
Maybe I'm the last one to know, but if not, you've gotta check out this cool website called Wordle.

It lets you enter either a paragraph of text, a website/blog/any other url and then makes a word cloud from the most used words within what you provided.

 For example, I made a wordle using the Truly Lovely blog URL.

 COOL, right?
The site chooses the most used words and creates your word cloud.
From there you can customize the colors, shape, and even remove words to make it your own.
Then you can print or share it as you please. :)

A Wordle made from my wedding blog, My Road to Mrs

You could frame a custom word cloud to be used as wall art, as a gift, or even to label random items!
I made a Wordle from my work website and framed it to display in my office!
Check back on Truly Lovely in awhile if you'd like to see that post!

I think I might frame my blog wordles as wall decoration for my craft room! :)
The ideas are endless!!!

*Wordle does not know who I am or care I'm sure... 
This is just a fun idea I found and wanted to share with others. :)

So... Wordle away friends!!!
I would love to hear about what you create!!!
Hope you'll pop over by Truly Lovely for a visit sometime! :)
And thanks again to Crystal for blog swapping with me today and being this week's Bloggie Bestie at Truly Lovely!

Have a lovely day!


 I am SO excited to discover Wordle! Thanks SO much, Kassi, for sharing this wonderful website with us! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Be sure to stop by Truly Lovely and follow along if you want! I promise you won't regret it. Her blog is wonderful! :)


  1. Thanks for having me over Crystal!!! And for being this week's bloggie bestie!!! Have a lovely day!

  2. I found Wordle a little while ago, it's so great! I made a Fathers Day canvas for hubby with it, I love that it's free to use and does all the hard work for you! A great share

  3. that's so cool.. I didn't know about Wordle.. Thanks for letting us know Kassi and thanks Crystal for having an informative guest post.. :)
