
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DIY Topiary Tree

I have such a love for topiary trees of any kind! I have been wanting some for my home, but, of course, I refuse to pay the expensive price that retail stores charge. That being the case, I decided to create my own.

Materials Used:
1 wire clothes hanger
hot glue gun
Spanish Moss
1 stick approximately 18 inches long (needs to be straight) , a wooden dowel can also be used.
small planter/ pot
white paint

First, I twisted my wire hanger into a "coil" shape.

I then wrapped newspaper completely around the wire, gluing it as I went.

   The next step was the most time-consuming. I began gluing the Spanish moss to the newspaper. Spanish Moss is so messy. I used scissors to cut the moss into the portions I needed as I went. Once I had completely covered the newspaper with moss, I used scissors to trim up any excess to give it a neater, cleaner appearance.
   Then, I went outside and found a stick. I glued it to the inside of my topiary. I wadded up some newspaper and out in my little pot (that I painted white). Foam can also be used. I just used newspaper, because I wanted to keep this project as thrifty as possible. I used this to hold my topiary in place.

optional: I used red, white, and blue ribbon to make this more patriotic with the 4th of July coming up. I simply cut my ribbon to the correct length, wrapped it around and secured it with clear tape on the back. This way, I can remove it easly when the holiday is over. ;)


  1. Well now, aren't you clever! That is really cool.

  2. This is really cute! You are so crafty! And I am totally with you on the Spanish moss - it's a mess!!

  3. I agree - those things are expensive. This would be a great gift for my mother-in-law! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great job. Some large ones for the porch would be nice.

  5. Great idea Crystal to make your own!! I love that it's a spiral too - so fun. :)
    Thanks so much for linking up to Think Pink Sundays! ;)

  6. Oh wow..I can't wait to give this a try! Thank you so much for sharing how you did it!

  7. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
