
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Things You Should Know About Me If We are Going to be BFF

Things you should know about me if we are going to be BFF:

I am SO random.

I don't have my own kids (YET), but I have 3 (yes 3) adorable little miniature schnauzers. They are so much fun!

I don't like to cook, but I LOVE to bake!

I usually keep the laundry washed, but then pile it on my couch where it sometimes takes me days to fold/put it away.

I am a born-again Christian, and although I am far from perfect, I am so grateful to have a forgiving God and to know that He shows mercy thru His grace, even to the imperfect like me.

I really dislike rude people, especially those working with the public. I worked at a bank for 7 years, and I would make it my goal every day to make someone smile, or turn their bad day into a good one by listening to their problems and pointing out the bright side. (That backfired sometimes, when I started having customers come in for their weekly "counseling" sessions! :) It was still worth it!

I don't leave the house without wearing mascara.
I ALWAYS go back to this kind! Have worn it since high school!

I am a terrible procrastinator... like really bad... I really wish I wasn't...

I am late for everything. It doesn't matter how early I get up, it seems I will always leave at the same time and will always be a few minutes late...

I am 5'3, (actually more like 5'2, but saying I'm 5'3 makes me feel better :)).

I am Southern thru and thru. I am so blessed to have been born and raised here in this wonderful state of Alabama, where everyone says yes ma'am and no sir and sweet tea is the house staple! :) Don't believe everything you see on tv about the South about everyone being rednecks, etc, although, I must say that back in the day my friends and I had so much fun riding thru the mud on 4 wheelers! That isn't "redneck", it is fun! :) Don't get me wrong, I sure your part of the world is also wonderful, I am just a little partial to the South...

I have a terrible caffeine addiction, whether it be coffee, Diet Coke, Diet Mountain Dew, you name it...I'm hooked. I should really drink more water!
Photo found via from

   Last year, I became a runner! I completed the Couch to 5k plan (amazing!) and was able to run 3 miles without stopping. It has been several months now since I have ran, but I am determined to start back soon and lose the 10 lbs I have gained since stopping!!!
Couch to 5K

I really want to have babies! I am 27 right now, and I sure would love to be a mommy before I turn 30!
I have 2 guilty pleasures! The Bachelor and One Life to Live! Reality tv and soaps... loving those is just part of being female, right?

I am a huge college football fan! Roll Tide!

I love the smell of freshly cut grass.

I love the sweet scent of honeysuckles, but hate what it does to my allergies.
 I am SO disorganized! I LOVE to clean (dust, sweep, mop, etc) but I am terrible at decluttering...

                               My dryer also doubles as my iron.

One of my biggest fears is a house fire. I often get 3 miles up the road and turn around and come back (or get up during the night) just to double check candles, curling irons, the stove, etc. It is awful, really.

My favorite singer is Carrie Underwood! I have had at least 100 random people to tell me I look like her, although I don't believe I do in my blog photo. I think it is more my profile that resembles her...

Hersheys chocolate is my favorite!

I am a germaphobe! I keep a little can of lysol in my purse and germX on keychain. I even wore a mask to Walmart during the swine flu outbreak. At least I didn't get sick! :)
I was one of 18 total in my high school graduating class. (Over half of which I was in the SAME class with since 1st grade. yeah, we were pretty tired of each other by the time we graduated! :)

I am the ultimate optimist! I can find the bright side of anything, because, as bad as a situation may seem, believe it or not, it can ALWAYS be worse.

What about YOU? As your bloggy bff, what do I   need to know?

          I can't wait to hear YOUR responses! :)


  1. My graduating class had 17! :) Here's my complete BFF post!

  2. You and I have so much in common, it's scary really....

  3. Well, I thought we could be BFF's till you said ROLL TIDE! LOL We're Tennessee all the way! ;) BUT, everything else I agree with. HA!

    BTW, do you like JP or Ben?? I'm JP all the way! ;)

  4. I might have to copy cat this idea, it is sooo cute! We could definitely be best friends except I'm always 15 minutes early. : )

  5. Crystal, before I thought I liked I'm convinced that we have to be bffs!

  6. I love this! We actually have a lot in common! I am late for everything too no matter how hard I try to be early! I might have to steal this idea... I will definitely share it with you!

  7. We have so much in common! I am going to have to copy this!

  8. Cute post! How fun to learn a little more about your personality! Also, I read your blog through my RSS reader. Your pictures never pop up, nor do the full posts. Maybe this is intentional? If so, forget I mentioned it :) Your RSS readers have to click on each post to read the whole thing, while other blogs show the whole post. Wish I was super techie and could tell you why, but hope this helps!
