
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Opinions Needed :)

   I have finally made the decision to get a blog makeover! I am pretty excited and after a poll here on my blog and on my Facebook page , I think I want to go with a modern theme of a retro homemaker. Now I have to decide on my colors. I love blue, pink, green, and yellow, but I am not sure if I want to use that color scheme with fall just around the corner. A friend suggested added gray to tone it down a little. That is an excellent idea. I am now just trying to decide on something definite. Here are some more color ideas I have found on Pinterest. I would love your feedback! :) I am just awful at making decisions...








Kitchen colors


   Sooo... these are just a few ideas... I think that #7 is my favorite. I want colorful, but nothing too "loud." I think the brown and gray tone the other colors down well. I do wish there was maybe a mustard yellow in that color scheme, as well. I also like all of the other color palettes... So, please tell me! :) What colors do YOU like? They don't have to be included in this post...            
   I hope you are all having a fabulous week! I have been busy this week grooming Miniature Schnauzer babies, making wreaths, and trying my best to get rids of awful ANTS. They just showed up overnight and they are trying to take over in my kitchen! I had a fall Monday night and fractured a couple of the bones that connect to the toes in my foot, so that has slowed me down quite a bit! 
   Can't wait to hear your color ideas! Hope to see you at the Weekend Soiree tomorrow! :) 


  1. 1st choice - #7, 2nd - #3. There is no way you'll go wrong - you have wonderful taste!!! Have fun!

  2. I just love # 2...and ouch to your broken foot! Hope you start getting mended soon!

  3. I love 3 but it might be a little much. 7 really caught my eye too, and I think those are very modern fun colors. I think that would be my vote for best blog colors.

  4. I like 3, 4, and 8! I like brighter, lighter colors over darker colors. Bright is cheery and can catch eyes. :)

  5. I like 5 and 8 a lot-but they aren't very Fallish looking.
    I have heard that talcum powder is a natural remedy for ants. They used to sell some kind of chalk at the Chinese stores when we lived in the states, but I don't know that they do any longer.

  6. 3 and 7 are my favorite because I think they reflect your brilliant personality :-)

  7. I think my #1 choise would be #1 snd choise is #7. They both are great . Sorry to hear of the fall. Is amazing how we do not just bounce when we fall. I found that out a couple years ago. Fell at work and it cost the county several thousand in dental and Dr. bills.


  8. I love 3 & 7 too, and you can always add in some brown, gray or mustard highlights. Your design is going to be so fun!!

  9. I love #1, #5 and #8 but they are all awesome!

  10. I vote #1 and #5 :) Found you at Freshmen Friday, I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll come visit me at {The Kurtz Corner}


  11. I like 3, 4 and 5 but my favorite is 7! I think it would be great for all seasons and still incorporates a lot of your favorites!

  12. May I ask who you are going to use to do your blog makeover? I want to do mine too but am not sure how to proceed. Up until now, I have done my own but it needs a more professional look...updated. I love all the color choices and I love the idea of a vintage theme for you.

  13. Oh I love all these color combos! 3, 6, and 7 are my faves. Hope your foot gets better!!

  14. What a tough decision, I love them all! 3 and 7 are my favorites.

  15. As I scrolled through I liked a lot of the combos but then #7 came up, love it!!!
