
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy Sunday! Are You Amazed?!

  Happy Sunday, friends! Are you AMAZED today?! I am! Why, might you ask, am I SO amazed? I am absolutely, overwhelmingly amazed at how much my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves ME!!! And ya know what? He loves YOU this much, too! I wouldn't make it one single day without Jesus. I know this, because, there have been times, in moments of pride, that I've attempted to handle everything on my own... Yeah, not very wise, I know... This has ONLY led to disappointment and strife. But I've learned to be more humble. To just go broken before Him and let Him fill me with His awesome love and grace! I find such comfort in knowing that no matter what may come my way, that in Him, my weaknesses are transformed into strengths! Oh, and I don't mean ordinary strength, either. I mean, strength that I could have never fathomed even existed within me! Strength that has kept me from breaking down in even the darkest of circumstances! 
  These past few months, I have had first-hand experience of this. I've faced some really tough circumstances. There have been many days when I have come so close to just breaking down and giving in to defeat... Thankfully I didn't! By the grace of God and the prayer of friends, these moments of weakness and suffering have only made me stronger! In fact, I've even learned to appreciate those trials! Really! I've  even learned an important lesson on finding joy in suffering... (which I will share with y'all another day :))

I saw this on twitter the other day, and couldn't have said it better myself...

"The more I grow in Christ, the more the enemy attacks. Little does he know, Christ is my rock. I won't be moved!"  @scarceLovee

  (This is actually in a scripture I saw a couple of nights ago and I can't seem to locate it at the moment... When I find it, I will be sure update this post.)

  If you are going through trials right now, I hope you will seek God with whatever it is you may be facing... I promise you, too, are SO much stronger than you think you are! As you seek God, and Satan tries to attack you... maybe everything around you starts falling apart, remember this: The devil has NOTHING on the unbelievable love and power of the Lord! I'm praying for each and every one of you! You all have a God-given purpose in this life and you may not realize this, but y'all are such a blessing to ME and to so many others I'm sure!

  This is a beautiful song that really touches my heart! I wanted to share it with you all... it talks about how amazing the love is that Jesus has for us... Jesus loves us so much and He wants us ALL to seek Him so He can show us what living with true joy is all about! I hope y'all enjoy! Oh, and Happy Sunday!!! :)

AMAZED ~ Ross Parsley


  1. I had just wrote a short comment on my Facebook page about much of the same things you just talked about and then clicked on your blog and here it is again. God really knows what we need when we need it even when we don't have a clue...and I am clueless alot!

    Love ya girlfriend in Christ!

  2. Love this girl!!! What a great reminder and example!
