
Friday, July 6, 2012

Weekend Craft Soiree {50}

  Hey there, lovelies! Hope you all had a fabulous 4th! Did you see the Fourth of July Features Round-up I did on Monday? Go check it out ; you may have been featured! I can hardly believe this is the 50th week for the Weekend Craft Soiree here at HiH?! Time just flies when you're having fun doesn't it? :) To celebrate, I'll be having a fabulous giveaway next week!
Here are the lovely features from last weekend...

This Mod Podge Quote Canvas from Lindsay at Southern Lovely is absolutely adorable!

Anthro Inspired Paint Drips Jars from it all started with paint are just gorgeous! I like Linda's much better than Anthropologie's!

Andrea at Decorating Cents did an awesome job on this Monogram Step Stool! I just love the colors she used!

Triple Fudge Brownies?! Be still my heart! ;) This recipe from Delightful Curiosity sounds SUPER easy!

Thanks SO much for stopping by and sharing! Each and every one of you seriously rock! I mean that! :)
If you were featured this week, feel free to grab a "featured" button to post on your blog! :)

Mandatory Party Rules:
  • Become a follower of Homemaker in Heels
  • Link up your favorite craft, DIY project, recipe, tip, post... you get the idea. Please link to the actual post URL, **NOT YOUR MAIN URL**
  • Do NOT link up items in your Etsy Shop, unless you have a tutorial
  • PLEASE mingle a little while and leave a comment on at least 2 other projects.
  • Grab a button or link back to Homemaker in Heels somewhere on your blog. I love to feature your projects, but if I see that you don't have my button or link, I will not feature you. 



  1. Thanks for the party...happy weekend!

  2. You're welcome, girl! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great weekend, too! :)

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! I need to add your party to my links page. Have a great weekend

  4. GUESS WHAT? I finally had something I could link up!!! Can you believe it?? I know call the press right!!
    Miss Crystal, I have been thinking about you and hope all is well.Thank you so much for hosting.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Thanks for hosting! I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

  6. Crystal, thanks for the weekend soirees. Been enjoying them forever, but haven't thanked you, bad blogger. I haven't learned the link process so I've never linked anything. BTW somehow my email got switched to my back-up when you upgraded your site. Please switch me back to That's where I try to keep all my blog emails.

  7. Crystal,

    Thanks so much for the feature ... and especially for liking mine better that Anthro's version! Maybe next time they can hire the crafting team of me and my daughter to make them ...



  8. Thanks for the feature Crystal. I just realized I linked it again...sorry. Have a great week!

  9. Oh, thank you so much for the feature! It's always fun to share at your place! Thanks for hosting!
