
Friday, January 25, 2013

Greeting Card Keepsake Book {Guest Post by Truly Lovely}

   Hi everyone! How in the world have you all been?!  I've missed y'all!  I'm so excited to that sweet Miss Kassi from Truly Lovely is joining us! Y'all know Kassi, right? Well, if you don't you are definitely missing out! She's a sweetheart! Anyways, I think y'all will love this super-clever idea she is sharing with us today! It's SO easy! 

Here's Kassi...

Well hello sweet HIH readers!!! My name is Kassi and I blog over at Truly Lovely. I am thrilled to be taking over Crystal's space today! I've been here a time or two before, but it's been awhile so real quick, a little about me.... I'm a 20 something, work from home wife. We have two doggies, no kiddos (yet), and several horses. I blog about whatever I want, if I'm being honest... :) Anything I consider to be Truly Lovely including crafts, recipes, wishes, etc. My sister shares the blog space with me so once in awhile you'll find fun posts from her too. That's us there, I'm on the right, Kayli is on the left.

Today I'm here to share a fun keepsake idea with you! We all received cards over the holidays, then there's those sweet cards you got last year for your birthday, or when you had your baby, or any other special occasion really. If you're like me you want to save those sweet mementos from your loved ones, but there's not a whole lot of space for that so they end up tossed in a box in the closet not to be seen until the next occasion when you add a few more... So, why not make a Greeting Card Keepsake Book and actually save those cards in an organized way!?! what to do with old greeting cards

It's really a simple project. I made mine just sitting on my couch while watching an episode of Pioneer Woman. ;) I used the cards we received at our wedding and my bridal shower. Yes, that was almost a year and a half ago... oops... I separated the cards from the envelopes and then threw the envelopes away. They take up a lot of space FYI.  

  Then I used a hole punch to punch two holes in each card. I purchased a set of book binder rings, found in the office section of my Wal-Mart and bound the cards together. See?! So easy! Now I have two little books from my wedding and bridal shower of sweet notes from our dearest friends and family! You know, instead of a stack of random cards just floating around in a box.

  Your turn! What do you do with your old cards? Do you stash them in a box? Toss them right away?? It took me a year and a half to get around to doing this easy project, so trust me, I won't judge! ;) Thanks so much to sweet miss Crystal for having me over today!!! Hope you lovelies will stop by Truly Lovely sometime soon to say hello!!!

 Isn't this such a smart and simple project? What a creative way to turn all those cards, from any occasion, into a special keepsake that can be cherished for years to come! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing, Kassi!
If you don't know Kassi, I hope you'll go check out her FAB blog and follow along! She really is awesome and so is Kayli! :) Have a wonderful daY!!!


  1. What a wonderful idea! I wish I had known to do this when my children were little. Just think of all the memories that would come alive by looking back through their cards (and mine)! Great idea for preserving signatures and sweet messages from grandparents and great-grans.

    1. Thank you Barbara!! It's never too late to get started! ;)

  2. Thank you so much for having me over friend!!! And for your sweet words! You're the best!!!

  3. lovely blog!

    Do you want to follow each other? :)

    xx ♥
