
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cute Bookmark Tutorial by Jenni from Kissed By a Frog

   Happy Thursday, y'all! I am so excited that the sweet Jenni from Kissed by a Frog has a wonderful guest post for us today! If you aren't following her blog already, you are really missing out and I hope you will stop by Kissed by a Frog and show some love! I just love it! Here's Jenni...

kissed by a frog
   Hello Homemaker in Heels readers! I am so excited to be here with you all today! I just LOVE Crystal's blog! Every time I stop in for a visit I feel so happy! She and her blog just exude happy bubbly wonderfulness~ Don't you think?
   Anywhoooooo, I live with my husband and our 4 wonderful children in Kansas City. I blog about all sorts of things but I am really just getting started and trying to find my niche.  You can find information about us renovating our house and making it a home, kids crafts, educational ideas, gift ideas, and whatever else seems to tickle my fancy that day. I started blogging in June as a way to journal, as I try to start my own business and keep my house running. So far, so good. Once a week I feature my favorite blogging buddy. I have met some amazing people through blogging! And every Thursday I have a Linky Party. But enough about me! LET'S GET OUR CRAFT ON!!!
   I LOVE craft projects that are easy enough to finish while watching How to Train Your Dragon (which I watch daily btw) and that I can have my kids be involved. I had planned a really cool tutorial for you all but it was a total craft FAIL in my book so I must try it again and see what went wrong. So, I decided to show you all a SUPER EASY, super CUTE craft that you can make in literally a minute.

Supplies needed:
Square Envelopes (mine are 4 ¾ x 4 ¾ )
Stickers or Embellishments of your choice
A paper cutter or scissors
A Pencil
Seriously that is all you need!
Here are your supplies
Measure, using your book of choice, 
where you would like your book mark to fit 
over the corner of your page.   
See my mark on the right.
Line up your mark with your paper cutter or scissors
and CUT. 
If you would like a more precise corner measure
both side equally, I measured 10" on one side and ten
on the other.

Line up both marks and CUT. 
OR if you cannot find a pencil or pen or you
just don't want to, line up the envelope like a diamond
and cut from one corner to the other.
See how easy that is!!! And think about how you
can recycle or up-cycle all that junk mail you get!!
Okay, now here come the hard part!
Add your sticker and embellishment where you would
like and voila...
Aren't these little Robot Dudes soooo
I added a leftover flower to one as well!
A little to big for this book.
Fits just right! Now how stinking easy was that??
Check out these that my 6-year-old daughter made...

She used her favorite craft book:
water colors, some of her stickers, and a pen to make hers.
HAHA She made a frog! LOVE it! 
Her Stickers. She said she added the red ribbon
because she is a real princess. TOO CUTE! 
And a mermaid and her father with a fish.
Aren't they cute!!

Thanks for having me over to play, I hope all you loverly readers enjoyed my tiny little tutorial!
I hope you will stop by Kissed By a Frog when you have some time and check out some of my projects and tutorials. Here is just a little sampling of what you will find:
My most popular tutorial, a father's day gift:

getting away frog BORING BROWN and adding
some fun COLOR to our lives!!

Every Monday- I blog about stuff for
Mamas, even educational stuff.

tutu ever!

 What a cute and fun idea! These bookmarks would make CUTE gifts! Thank you SO much for stopping by, Jenni! Don't forget to stop by and visit her sometime at Kissed by a Frog! Hope you all have a wonderful day! :)


  1. So cute, Kissed by a Frog is awesome.

  2. Following you now too on gfc. Your welcome any time at

  3. What a fun project with the kiddos, love it!
